Module 12 Getting Data

12.1 Search for data sets

There are number of websites that are repositories of data sets. Here’s a list of some resources:

12.2 Extracting data tables from websites

Other times you will find data available in webpages, or in HTML format. Lucky for us again, there’s an R package to extract tables from html files.

As usual, we need to install the package first.


Remember we need to install a package only once (and updated it once in a while), but every time we want to use it, we need to call it with the library() function.

## Attaching package: 'rvest'
## The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
##     guess_encoding

Let’s check what tables there are in UArizona’s wikipedia page.

First, we need to read in the html file.

uarizona_wiki_html <- read_html("")

We now parse the html for tables.

uarizona_wiki_html %>%
## {xml_nodeset (19)}
##  [1] <table class="infobox vcard">\n<caption class="infobox-title fn org">Uni ...
##  [2] <table class="multicol" role="presentation" style="border-collapse: coll ...
##  [3] <table class="infobox" style="width: 22em"><tbody>\n<tr><th colspan="2"  ...
##  [4] <table class="wikitable sortable collapsible collapsed" style="float:rig ...
##  [5] <table class="wikitable sortable collapsible collapsed" style="float:rig ...
##  [6] <table style="float:right; font-size:85%; margin:10px" class="wikitable" ...
##  [7] <table role="presentation" class="mbox-small plainlinks sistersitebox" s ...
##  [8] <table class="nowraplinks hlist mw-collapsible mw-collapsed navbox-inner ...
##  [9] <table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible mw-collapsed navbox-inner" styl ...
## [10] <table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible mw-collapsed navbox-inner" styl ...
## [11] <table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" styl ...
## [12] <table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" styl ...
## [13] <table class="nowraplinks navbox-subgroup" style="border-spacing:0"><tbo ...
## [14] <table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" styl ...
## [15] <table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" styl ...
## [16] <table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" styl ...
## [17] <table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" styl ...
## [18] <table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" styl ...
## [19] <table class="nowraplinks hlist navbox-inner" style="border-spacing:0;ba ...

Too many tables. We can be specific, and retrieve nodes per class.

uarizona_wiki_html %>%
## {xml_nodeset (3)}
## [1] <table class="wikitable sortable collapsible collapsed" style="float:righ ...
## [2] <table class="wikitable sortable collapsible collapsed" style="float:righ ...
## [3] <table style="float:right; font-size:85%; margin:10px" class="wikitable"> ...

This looks a little better.

It looks like the table we want is the third table.

# create wiki_tables object
wiki_tables <- uarizona_wiki_html %>%

# transform node into an actual table
fall_freshman_stats <- wiki_tables[[3]] %>%
  html_table(fill = TRUE)

# check data
## # A tibble: 7 x 6
##   ``                `2017`    `2016`    `2015`    `2014`    `2013`  
##   <chr>             <chr>     <chr>     <chr>     <chr>     <chr>   
## 1 Applicants        36,166    35,236    32,723    26,481    26,329  
## 2 Admits            28,433    26,961    24,417    20,546    20,251  
## 3 % Admitted        78.6      76.5      74.6      77.5      76.9    
## 4 Enrolled          7,360     7,753     7,466     7,744     6,881   
## 5 Avg GPA           3.43      3.48      3.38      3.37      3.40    
## 6 SAT range*        1015–1250 1010–1230 1010–1230 1000–1230 990–1220
## 7 * SAT out of 1600 <NA>      <NA>      <NA>      <NA>      <NA>

Tidy it.

# first column name is blank
colnames(fall_freshman_stats)[1] <- "type"

# pivot years
fall_freshman_stats <- fall_freshman_stats %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = "2017":"2013",
               names_to = "year")

# make value a number
fall_freshman_stats <- fall_freshman_stats %>%
  mutate(value = as.numeric(parse_number(value)))

# inspect data
## Rows: 35
## Columns: 3
## $ type  <chr> "Applicants", "Applicants", "Applicants", "Applicants", "Applica…
## $ year  <chr> "2017", "2016", "2015", "2014", "2013", "2017", "2016", "2015", …
## $ value <dbl> 36166.00, 35236.00, 32723.00, 26481.00, 26329.00, 28433.00, 2696…

Plot it.

fall_freshman_stats %>%
  filter(type %in% c("Applicants", "Admits", "Enrolled")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year, 
             y = value, 
             color = fct_reorder(type, value, .desc = TRUE))) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_bw() +
  geom_line(aes(group = type)) +
  labs(y = "student count",
       color = "")

12.3 Project Proposal

Project Proposal is due April 06 2021.